January 15, 2024

What You Need to Know About Typography in Design

Étienne Giroux-Paquet

What is typography

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type, typefaces and fonts to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. It is a critical aspect of design and communication, since it can influence how the audience perceives and understands the content.

Typography involves the thoughtful and deliberate selection of typefaces, point size, line length, leading, tracking, kerning, color and other elements. It is also used to create a visual hierarchy, to draw attention to certain elements, to create a mood and to help convey an intended message or feeling.

What You Need to Know About Typography in Design

When using typography in design, it's important to understand the fundamentals of typeface, font, and other typographic elements in order to create a successful design. It's also essential to consider how typography can be used to convey a message or feeling, create a visual hierarchy and draw attention to particular elements. Additionally, selecting the right typeface, font size, line length, leading, tracking, kerning, and color will all play a big role in the success of the design.

Actionable Tips for Using Typography in Design

1. Choose a typeface that fits the overall theme and mood of the design.

When selecting typefaces and fonts for your design, it's important to consider the overall theme and mood of the design. The typeface you choose should complement the design and evoke the desired feeling.

2. Consider audience when selecting typefaces & fonts.

When selecting typefaces and fonts for your design, it's important to consider who the target audience is. Different typefaces and fonts can evoke different reactions from different audiences, so it's important to pick a typefaces and fonts that are appropriate for the target audience.

3. Select right font size. Consider point size & line length for legibility.

When selecting the font size for your design, it's important to consider both the point size and the line length. The font size should be large enough to ensure optimal legibility, but not so large as to be overwhelming.

4. Adjust tracking, leading, & kerning for visually appealing design.

Adjusting the tracking, leading, and kerning of the typeface can help to create a visually appealing and well-balanced design. This can help to create a sense of harmony and balance in the design, while still ensuring that the text is legible.

5. Use color to emphasize or draw attention to elements.

Using color in your design can help to emphasize or draw attention to particular elements. Color can be used to create contrast, draw attention to important elements, or create a visual hierarchy.

6. Use typography to create hierarchy, draw attention, & convey message.

Typography can be used to create a visual hierarchy, draw attention to important elements, and convey a message or feeling. By carefully selecting the typeface and font, adjusting the tracking, leading, and kerning, and using color appropriately, typography can be used to great effect in design.


In conclusion, typography is an important part of design. Understanding the basics of typeface, font, and other typographic elements is essential for good design. Effective use of typography can create a visual hierarchy, draw attention to elements, and express a message or emotion. By carefully selecting typeface, font, and adjusting tracking, leading, and kerning, typography can be used effectively in design.

Étienne Giroux-Paquet
I help startups and business owners make lots more sales with Branding & Strategy.
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